Jaipur property tax is a tax levied by the Municipal corporation of Jaipur on the basis of value of a property or real estate. The property owners are the one responsible to pay the property tax regulated by the Municipal corporation of Jaipur.
Property tax which is also known as House Tax. These taxes are imposed on property owners by municipal authorities such as panchayat municipality or municipal corporation. This taxes are invested into maintenance of civic areas such as roads, sewage, lighting, parks and other facilities. This tax is levied on every property be it office, residence or any other land. However, there are no taxes for vacant plots having adjoining building. In this post we are going to talk about all the details of property tax in details.
Municipal corporation has one of the primary revenue source which is property tax. Those properties that comes under the proximity of Municipal corporation such as residential, commercial, industrial etc have to levy of property tax. However, in Jaipur, the month of tax payment is fixed and citizens are bound to pay the tax within the deadline.
There are certain conditions under which authorities decides the application of tax. So when these conditions met, tax is levied.
1- Person who have crossed 18 years of age.
2- Any individual who is permanent native of Jaipur.
3- Any person who is a property owner bave to pay the taxes.
Here the properties that are liable to pay the tax.
In order to register the property under your name you have to get ₹50 form from the respective government. This form is needed to be submitted to the accessing authority. If you are the property owner who wants to pay tax for your property then you have to follow this.
After you have submitted the form, the accessing authority runs a thorough verification for your form and when they are satisfied with your application they provide a certificate of registration to the property owner.
One of the important document that you have to submit with the property tax is property tax invoice. The property tax invoice is important to submitted while you are clearing your property tax payment.
Ans- There is an offline mode available for the residents of Jaipur to clear the house taxes. If you are the one who prefers to pay the tax payment in offline mode then visit the municipal office then submit the tax invoice details. Make sure to submit the payment at the cash counter. This way your application will checked for the tax payment.
Ans- If you want to save up your time and money then you can opt to pay your tax through online mode. Here is the step by step guide.
1- Visit the official website of Municipal corporation taxes of Jaipur.
2- From the homepage, click on “Urban development tax” present under “Online citizen Services” tab.
3- Now move to the right option and choose Urban Local Bodies list. Now enter the service number in the blank space.
4- This page will show you all the property details which also includes address and floor details. Click on “View Ledger “option to see the tax related details.
Next click on Pay UD Tax option to pay the urban development tax.
Next you will find the option of Pay House Tax which allows you to pay the house tax.
5- On the next page, you will see payable property tax amount. Now, click on Proceed to Pay Online.
6- Now you will see a payment screen. Choose the suitable payment option and proceed to make the payment.
Ans- If any of taxpayer declines to pay the taxes within the deadline then they will be liable to pay ₹1000 as a penalty. The municipal authority will be governing this matter. So, it is really important that you pay the tax amount within the given date.